Tell me the beer you drink, and I will tell you who you are.

First beers in the world developed on the basis of the genetics of taste.

Vergal beer has been established in Savudrija, Istria (Croatia) in a unique environment, characterized by Mediterranean scrub, olive trees, red soil, the Bora wind and a crystalline blue sea, all scents that you can find in our beers. In the background, the lighthouse, the first in the world that used the electricity obtained from coal distilled gas.

All beers are characterized by a strong link with the territory from which the raw materials come from.

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What is the Genetics of taste?

Today, in Savudrija, innovation represent the mainstream of Vergal beers, the first in the world developed on the basis of the genetics of taste, considering the different individual ability to perceive flavors. This allows us to produce selected lines of quality beers with well balanced sweetness, acidity, bitterness and flavor, different from one another, but each with a unique nature and character.

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